Sanitary flush with the wall COD: HDC00610 Vaso a Terra Filo a Parete Modello Fast in ceramica colore bianco Price €74.79
Sanitary flush with the wall COD: HDC00611 Bidel filo muro modello Fast in Ceramica colore Bianco Price €74.79
Sanitary flush with the wall COD: HDC00927 Bidet Filomuro Modello Abe in Ceramica Bianca Lucida Price €91.50
Sanitary flush with the wall COD: HDC00710 Vaso modello Pratica Filomuro colore BIanco scarico a parete Price €128.10
Sanitary flush with the wall COD: HDC00711 Bidet Filomuro Modello Pratika in Ceramica Bianca Lucida Price €128.10
Sanitary flush with the wall COD: HDC00707 Vaso Terra Filomuro Modello Comoda Colore Bianco Price €180.56